Friday, April 30, 2010

First may I say, first good steps Hawaii. We need to clear the roads to more civil unions.

The big thing in the news right now is the Arizona Immigration Law (

The left is saying it is the first step to fascism and the such. But have you read the law? I suggest you do. For one thing, an officer cannot stop based upon how they look. The person in question has to be doing something against the law first, such as speeding. What happens if I, as a natural born American citizen, break any of the motor vehicle laws and cannot produce my ID. Depending on how the officer feels, I could be going to jail. So, someone gets stopped for a moving vehicle violation and cannot produce their license; the officer now has the choice to decide if he wants to dig a little deeper.

This law is also allowing for much stiffer penalties for human trafficking. It reaffirms that employers must verify legal working status of its new hires. It is also setting up provisions for funds for controlling gangs.

But somehow the spin on this now, is that if you're of Latino or Hispanic origin get ready to go to an interment camp.

However for Immigration Reform now, the Left wants us to have a national ID card, based upon you Social Security Number and some other fancy stuff. They are claiming that it is for employment purposes only. Here is where I am confused, I have a passport and a social security card as my forms of Federally issued ID. Why do I need one more?

As I have stated before, the Federal Government is expanding at an alarming rate, and this is just one more brick in that road.

However, something as to be done about immigration. We are failing as a nation in those regards. I strongly believe the current state of affairs is as morally wrong as slavery was. We currently have a class of individuals that we are allowing abuse to happen to, and who no legal recourse. For example, lets play pretend, and an illegal day laborer named David is hurt on the job or gets sick. David's employer has no legal obligation to pay workmen's comp and David is entitled to no benefits. David's employer can just use him up and throw him away. Some may bring the fiscal argument that David isn't contributing to 'the system' and boo-hoo for him. But David is not a machine or a mule; he is a human. But as it stands the right does not want to give this forgotten class anything, and left wants to throw the doors open. Neither stance is correct.

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