Friday, April 23, 2010

As the world colaspes

We live in strange and wondorus times.

Looking back over the past administration its amazing what happened. The Federal goverment has expanded by about 300%, but what services have we gotten from it? I mean, I get free hugs at the airport, pay more for tickets and more fees on my cellphone bill. But I don't have a flying car or robot butler.

This current administration is expanding at, or faster then the Bush presidency. And what do we get? Fees if you don't have healthcare and a box of warm fuzzies. But what have lost? NASA, prehaps the most effective government orgniation ever. Luckily the USAF is picking up the slack in space R&D. I can't wait to see what the X-37B can do (or what its even for). We lost huge sector of industry; however that blame is not squarely on President Obama. But as it stands we have been mired in healthcare reform and ignoreing economic and industral reform.

We have become weaker in the eyes of the world. Iran is openingly holding war games in critical water ways. North Korea is attacking South Korean military ships and openly making land grabs on South Korean real estate. China is waging a cyberwar aginst us. Iseral, the only democraric nation in the Middle-East, is under daily attack. There is talk of transfering SCUD missles to Hezbollah. All while the US is bogged down in two pointless wars with no end in sight.

What is even more disturbing are the events happening in Europe. Belgian's government has failed, with the resignation of the Prime Minister. Which actually happens on a surprisingly regular basis due to linguistics disputes ( Greece is on the verge on an economic collapse. Poland has been rocked by the tragic death of their President. There is also the prospect of Bosnia entering NATO and the US deploying patriot missile batteries in Poland. Lets face it, Russia is still crazy and it seems like we are pushing towards a new Cold War. NATO is a fantastic origination when we decided to use it properly, however its form, function and mission are not that of the UN.

So now what?

Do we sit back and fiddle?

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