Saturday, March 24, 2007

America: the Society of Victims?

Written: 11 Mar 07

I am always amazed at how pervasive the victim mentality is growing in America.

On 29 August 2005, Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast and devastated the city of New Orleans. It has been almost a year and a half and people are still in FEMA trailers.

In sharp contrast is London after World War II. The War in Europe ended in April 1945. In 1948, the Olympics were held there. Think about that; could New Orleans be ready to host an event of that global scale in another 1 and a half years.

By the War's end 80 percent of Berlin was destroyed, people started rebuilding almost the next day. In Dresden, it was pretty much the same story, except the damage was more horrific.

Granted, I usually do not have good things to say about the Germans during World War II. But, by that is holy, all the historical accounts showed that the people had the most amazing spirit and drive. I am pretty sure the men and women in general in that generation were much more manly then we can imagine we are today, nobody embodies that more then Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

"My dear friends, this is your hour. This is not victory of a party or of any class. It's a victory of the great British nation as a whole. We were the first, in this ancient island, to draw the sword against tyranny. After a while we were left all alone against the most tremendous military power that has been seen. We were all alone for a whole year.

There we stood, alone. Did anyone want to give in? [The crowd shouted "No."] Were we down-hearted? ["No!"] The lights went out and the bombs came down. But every man, woman and child in the country had no thought of quitting the struggle. London can take it. So we came back after long months from the jaws of death, out of the mouth of hell, while all the world wondered. When shall the reputation and faith of this generation of English men and women fail? I say that in the long years to come not only will the people of this island but of the world, wherever the bird of freedom chirps in human hearts, look back to what we've done and they will say "do not despair, do not yield to violence and tyranny, march straightforward and die if need be-unconquered." Now we have emerged from one deadly struggle-a terrible foe has been cast on the ground and awaits our judgment and our mercy.

But there is another foe who occupies large portions of the British Empire, a foe stained with cruelty and greed-the Japanese. I rejoice we can all take a night off today and another day tomorrow. Tomorrow our great Russian allies will also be celebrating victory and after that we must begin the task of rebuilding our heath and homes, doing our utmost to make this country a land in which all have a chance, in which all have a duty, and we must turn ourselves to fulfill our duty to our own countrymen, and to our gallant allies of the United States who were so foully and treacherously attacked by Japan. We will go hand and hand with them. Even if it is a hard struggle we will not be the ones who will fail."

I recommend you read all his speeches and learn about this great man.

Where did men of this caliber go?

Show me one politician who has the true balls to be a leader, and I will stand behind him or her. But as it stands right now, there is no one out there.

But I diverge from my point of the victim altitude which is rotting my great country. People no longer have the strength of will to accept the consequences life throws at them. Sure, sometimes things happen that are outside of our control. But does that give us rights as individuals to lay down and die and reach for nothing?

It is our duty to stand up, even if it means by our boot straps. The government is not there to take care of us and grant us of comfort and safety. It is up to us to give ourself comfort and for the government to provide a safe environment where I do not infringe upon your rights and you don't infringe upon mine.

So why do expect and demand the Federal Government to come rushing to our rescue? Especially when we are taking to the streets to make every petty grab for power possible. It is not fair to ask the National Guard, the Reserves and other US Government Military/Para-Military forces to act as a police force during times of crisis. Their job is to go in and establish a safe and stable area for the rescue and medical teams to enter and do their job.

But again, I am going off on another tangent

The government is charged with three very specific tasks: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is in no way charged with giving me happiness, just allowing me to run after it.

The Men of 1776, 1865 and 1945 would be rolling over right now...

~A Moderate Thug

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