Saturday, March 24, 2007

Congrats Virginia

Written: 26 Feb 07

I am not sure what is worse, this or the non-biding resolution from the Congress with regards to the Iraq surge.

Come'on people grow a pair and do something for the people you represent.

Slavery was bad. There is no argument there. It just seems there might be some issues that are affecting the good people of Virgina rather than an apology to people who have died rough a hundred years ago. But I guess ignoring what their major cash crop does to people is much more profitable. I would think it would be much more prudent to spend time helping people who are alive today, but what do I know?

Concerning the non-binding Iraq War Resolution. I guess they all can sleep better at night by saying we don't like it, but we are going to do jack crap. My views and morality on the way aside (I think the war fighters should be allowed to do their job, and fight the war as they see fit). This just further proves my stance that American politics are failing the people they are supposed to represent. If our congress (and the rest of the system) really cared about the people with regards to this resolution, they would demand a full withdrawal from Iraq, instead of just being a bunch of weak-ass people. Of course those who would vote for the withdrawal would lose their jobs because they are 'unpatriotic' or they would be accused of wanting to destroy the efforts of democracy. But then we are trying to start a democracy in a cultural that does not have the cultural evolutionary experience to support instant freedom.

I think its funny that removing American lives from danger is called unpatriotic. What the hell...just let them do their job...because form what it looks like our men and women in uniform are going to need the rest (Thanks Iran and North Korea)...

~A Moderate Thug

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