I love silly news.
Study finds women with poor childhood role models may often to have more physiological issues.
Study finds the Global Warmer May Cause New Climates (http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science/03/26/climate.change.ap/index.html?eref=rss_topstories)
I really don't want to argue the validity or causes of this current warming trend. I know one side says mankind is going to cause us to roast like sinners in hell and how we deserve to it because of how we live (yet many of these people still drive Hummers, SUVs and other massive CO2 producing vehicles). Then of course the other side wants to stick its collective head n the sand (when they remove it from their ass) and scream over and over again that it is a natural cycle.
Whatever the case, we aren't helping. But honestly the point of this is no wave my finger and say save Mother Earth. I am pretty convinced she can take care of herself after humanity kills itself off. Either by pollution, war, sickness, zombies or some combination of the above.
What this about is pointless studies and who pays for them?
Did my tax dollars seriously pay for someone to figure out that climate shift causes *gasp* a shift in climate?
Seriously, I am pretty sure a two year old could figure out the implications and some the short term effects of global warming.
Couldn't our tax dollars go somewhere else?
Like researching an alternative fuel source?
Or bread and circus Tuesdays? I would be at least entertained part of the time.
Worthless studies like this do not provide answers or solutions. All the day is provide one side with more ammunition to use against the other side.
People may mock President Bush over the whole 'global climate shift' thing, but nobody seems to be offering any good solutions. Very few companies are spending time or money on alternative sources of energy or ways to use the earth in a manner fitting.
Of course my generation has the staying power of a sixteen year- old's first sexual experience, so the next shiny thing that bounces along we'll be off after it.
What is important is to let the government know you are sick of inaction and worthless studies. Short term protesting doesn't really work, because people know you won't really aren't make people take notice. But there are simple things you can do.
Vote (I guess the Democrats differ from Republicans because at least they smile as they are raping us)
Enact social change
Simple things like carpools, mass transit or biking
Decided what companies deserve your money
Raise awareness to the issues
Take five minutes to change your world (even it means picking up someone else's garbage)
Just so y'all know the last Friday of the month, an even called Critical Mass happens (speaking of awarness), which is when a group of bikers get together to clog the roads to show their prencess in the city. Lots of city hold these (on different days), check it out.
I guess the whole point of this is, don't complain if you are not offering solutions. Figure out ways how to positively impact the world we all have to share.
To bring it back to global warming. I don't know what if causing it. I am more then willing to blame mankind for part of it, but regardless it is happening. Now you have to decide what you want to do about it. At the current rate, may I suggest moving inland and buying sun screen?
~A Moderate Thug
Monday, March 26, 2007
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