Saturday, March 24, 2007

Originally written: 11 Sep 06

Today I came across a gorup called 'Republicans suck at the war on terror,' [on www.thefacebook] and it spawned this...

When we first went into Iraq, I agreed with the war for several reasons. One of the biggest was, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing. At that point pretty much everyone believed that Saddam had and was willing to use WMDs. This is seen with the UN sanctions, inspections and resolutions in the late 90s and early 2000s. Also, Clinton did attack with the reason of trying to stop proliferation during his term. Saddam showed the will to use chemical weapons that are banned by the Geneva convention after the First Persian Gulf war on the Kurdish people in southern Iraq. So, I think there was just cause for the war.

Now, 4 years later, we are stuck and we aren't sure what are doing. I really wish somebody would clarify our exit strategy and give a time frame for cessation. I will totally agree that this war had been very mismanaged. For some reason we have missed simple steps, such as closing the boarders. This would a surreality simple step (involving things like the E-8C J-STARS and AC-130 gunship).

But then what would happen: the causality rate would climb. Why? Our are men and women in the armed forces ruthless killers? No, they are our friends , brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers who are laying down their lives for another people's freedom.

The nature of war is death. The whole point of war is to hit your enemy so hard that he has neither the will or ability to get up again. Clausewitz and Lao-Tzu had some interesting things to say about war and they are a very interesting read. It is very hard in Iraq right now to identify friend or foe. It is even more difficult for the American people to understand that a 14 year old child armed with a rifle, mortar, IDE or what have is just a s deadly as an adult with any of those. Whose life is more valuable the kids or our soldiers (regardless of your views upon the war)? I want you to look me in the eye and give me an answer. All I know, it is choice I pray I never have to make.

Sorry I have rambled for a bit, but I think this issue is much more complex then vague partisan rhetoric. I do know that America cannot stomach the idea of having to bomb a hospital, home or mosque because there is a weapons dump, factory or another facility there. I know Americans cannot understand the idea of hopelessness and bleakness that it takes to strap a bomb to yourself in hopes of a better life. I know America will not understanding the Middle Eastern mindset, a mindset that if you look closely has not changed since the middle ages. I am especially tired of both sides doing nothing to change what is going on. The democrats love it because it makes the republicans looks bad. The republicans love it because they are making bank, thank you Haliburton. When did this government quit caring about its people and caring more for it self. Washington, Hamilton and Jefferson would be horrified and broken hearted to see what was going on in their country, for more reasons then this war. But at the very laziness of the American people for not doing anything. These were men who wanted people (all people) to live in diginity and that is not happening now. But no one cares, it as if we are so busy that we don't understand what is going on. When did it change from public servents to the public being servents.

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