Huh, ran across this last night:
When states make a move like this they give up their power to the federal government. I mean if we want to be the United State of America, that's cool, but I prefer the United States of America...if that means anything anymore.
Can't the states come up with specialized plans for themselves?
Have they started an incentive programs for their citizens?
I know many states have programs to encourage the use of mass transit and carpooling, however I have yet to hear of any incentive programs for cyclist. I mean mass transit and carpooling do reduce greenhouse gas, however riding a bike totally gets rid of the emissions from engines.
However vehicles only account for a third of carbon dioxide generation, which is only one of the many gases we are dumping into the atmosphere. I know there are massive arguments about the validity of global warming and the effects. But there is one thing we need to all agree on. We are trashing the Earth.
There are several steps we all can take:
Reduce using your car. Walk, bike, get off your fat ass...whatever it saves money and you'll be in better shape!
Compost, use that organic waste!
Quit drinking bottled water, get a reusable container...same with coffee cups
Glass = almost infinitely recyclable; plastic = finite
Other ideas:
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