Friday, April 30, 2010

First may I say, first good steps Hawaii. We need to clear the roads to more civil unions.

The big thing in the news right now is the Arizona Immigration Law (

The left is saying it is the first step to fascism and the such. But have you read the law? I suggest you do. For one thing, an officer cannot stop based upon how they look. The person in question has to be doing something against the law first, such as speeding. What happens if I, as a natural born American citizen, break any of the motor vehicle laws and cannot produce my ID. Depending on how the officer feels, I could be going to jail. So, someone gets stopped for a moving vehicle violation and cannot produce their license; the officer now has the choice to decide if he wants to dig a little deeper.

This law is also allowing for much stiffer penalties for human trafficking. It reaffirms that employers must verify legal working status of its new hires. It is also setting up provisions for funds for controlling gangs.

But somehow the spin on this now, is that if you're of Latino or Hispanic origin get ready to go to an interment camp.

However for Immigration Reform now, the Left wants us to have a national ID card, based upon you Social Security Number and some other fancy stuff. They are claiming that it is for employment purposes only. Here is where I am confused, I have a passport and a social security card as my forms of Federally issued ID. Why do I need one more?

As I have stated before, the Federal Government is expanding at an alarming rate, and this is just one more brick in that road.

However, something as to be done about immigration. We are failing as a nation in those regards. I strongly believe the current state of affairs is as morally wrong as slavery was. We currently have a class of individuals that we are allowing abuse to happen to, and who no legal recourse. For example, lets play pretend, and an illegal day laborer named David is hurt on the job or gets sick. David's employer has no legal obligation to pay workmen's comp and David is entitled to no benefits. David's employer can just use him up and throw him away. Some may bring the fiscal argument that David isn't contributing to 'the system' and boo-hoo for him. But David is not a machine or a mule; he is a human. But as it stands the right does not want to give this forgotten class anything, and left wants to throw the doors open. Neither stance is correct.

Friday, April 23, 2010

As the world colaspes

We live in strange and wondorus times.

Looking back over the past administration its amazing what happened. The Federal goverment has expanded by about 300%, but what services have we gotten from it? I mean, I get free hugs at the airport, pay more for tickets and more fees on my cellphone bill. But I don't have a flying car or robot butler.

This current administration is expanding at, or faster then the Bush presidency. And what do we get? Fees if you don't have healthcare and a box of warm fuzzies. But what have lost? NASA, prehaps the most effective government orgniation ever. Luckily the USAF is picking up the slack in space R&D. I can't wait to see what the X-37B can do (or what its even for). We lost huge sector of industry; however that blame is not squarely on President Obama. But as it stands we have been mired in healthcare reform and ignoreing economic and industral reform.

We have become weaker in the eyes of the world. Iran is openingly holding war games in critical water ways. North Korea is attacking South Korean military ships and openly making land grabs on South Korean real estate. China is waging a cyberwar aginst us. Iseral, the only democraric nation in the Middle-East, is under daily attack. There is talk of transfering SCUD missles to Hezbollah. All while the US is bogged down in two pointless wars with no end in sight.

What is even more disturbing are the events happening in Europe. Belgian's government has failed, with the resignation of the Prime Minister. Which actually happens on a surprisingly regular basis due to linguistics disputes ( Greece is on the verge on an economic collapse. Poland has been rocked by the tragic death of their President. There is also the prospect of Bosnia entering NATO and the US deploying patriot missile batteries in Poland. Lets face it, Russia is still crazy and it seems like we are pushing towards a new Cold War. NATO is a fantastic origination when we decided to use it properly, however its form, function and mission are not that of the UN.

So now what?

Do we sit back and fiddle?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Its warm out, dust off your bike

Huh, ran across this last night:

When states make a move like this they give up their power to the federal government. I mean if we want to be the United State of America, that's cool, but I prefer the United States of America...if that means anything anymore.

Can't the states come up with specialized plans for themselves?

Have they started an incentive programs for their citizens?

I know many states have programs to encourage the use of mass transit and carpooling, however I have yet to hear of any incentive programs for cyclist. I mean mass transit and carpooling do reduce greenhouse gas, however riding a bike totally gets rid of the emissions from engines.

However vehicles only account for a third of carbon dioxide generation, which is only one of the many gases we are dumping into the atmosphere. I know there are massive arguments about the validity of global warming and the effects. But there is one thing we need to all agree on. We are trashing the Earth.

There are several steps we all can take:

  1. Reduce using your car. Walk, bike, get off your fat ass...whatever it saves money and you'll be in better shape!

  2. Compost, use that organic waste!

  3. Quit drinking bottled water, get a reusable container...same with coffee cups

  4. Glass = almost infinitely recyclable; plastic = finite

Other ideas:

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Wow, so nothing has really happened in the world for the last 6 months.

Iran still hates us.

In fact they labeled the US Army as terrorists ( and now they deny they don't have any homosexuals. Interesting.

Iraq is still beyond messed up.

To surge or not to surge, that is the question. Whatever, it seems the surge is recalled before it even started.

But it sounds like US forces are no longer the main target. Now its just Iraqi-on-Iraqi violence. Still in the name of peace. Ha!

Dear Mr Bush,
Either come strong of go home. Stop screwing around and either let the troops do their job (which I think the nation still wants to know what their job is) or bring them home. Stop wasting the lives of our military. If Shiites and Sunnis want to kill each other, then lets just sell the ringside tickets to CNN.

PS Lets not got to Africa.

Africa, yup still crazy. Thanks.

I can't even keep anything straight anymore.

Would any African country not involved in some sort of genocide right now please raise your hands?

I find it amazing that some of the left want us to go somewhere in Africa next to stop the killing, but then not impose our way of thoughts.

What next? Cars powered by farts and sunshine?

Can't we just mind ourselves for awhile.

I mean the only thing news worthy is that OJ is back on the news. Hmmm.

Oh and Bill O'Reilly is being called a racist. You would thing 'they' would target Micheal Savage, there is a really annoying git.

Who is this 'they' any way?


One moment 'they' are blaming damn conservative judges from legislating from the bench and the next its the damn liberal judges trying to destroy the family.

Are there two Supreme Courts that I am missing?

Whats next?

Has anything happened at all?

N. Korea has gone kinda quite. I am not sure if thats good or bad. I mean we are throwing more aide at them to stop with the nukes. Can't we treat the problem not the symptoms. Aspirin won't stop cancer. Maybe China will smack'em around for positive press for the Olympics.

So in sort, the world is going to hell in a hand basket, and we just sit here a laugh.

Next time a real post. I promise.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Upates on UK Service Members

I have another topic in mind for today, which I may get to later. But I think it is much more relevant to delve into some current events that are happening around the world. Yesterday, the British Navy personal came home after 13 days of imprisonment. I was surprised and relieved they made it home at all. I was certain we would never see this people again.

Today the BBC has reported on the conditions the personal experienced. They speak of being kept in isolation in stone cells, being told that their fellow crew mates had been sent home, blindfolded, lined up against a wall and hearing weapons being cocked, and be threatened with up to seven years in Iran's prisons. I am sure Iran will be denying all this shortly, just as they deny the holocausts. I think it is pretty clear that I side with British side of the story.

Now, why were the crew members released. I am sure there were some back room deals going on. But this also blew up in Iran's face. Its pretty apparent that the world wasn't standing for it and was putting all the pressure on Iran to release the personal.

But why did Iran do this?

The whole capture and release seems pretty pointless.

It is clear the Iran is funneling money and weapons into Iraq. So was this a ploy to try and have Brittan remove troops from Iraq?

I think it will be interesting to see what happens next time Iran's Navy rolls up on another ship...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Iran, you crazy bastard

I am sure everybody knows about the 15 Royal Navy personal that were seized by members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard. If not, check you favorite news source, you'll find something.

So far, 2 of the British Sailors have admitted to crossing the boarder. I think they were slightly prompted by Iran's government in a not so nice fashion. If you think stacking people in naked pyramids is torture, I wonder what you would call Iran's methods. I feel really sorry for the female crew member, don't forget this is a society who believes women are subservient to men in every way possible.

But how do we handle this situation?

I know some people in the right are calling for military action, going as far as taking out Iran's navy, destroying their one gas producing refinery and blockading their ports. I think this would accomplish nothing. I think the sailors would lose their lives and fuel prices would sky rocket. As it is the stated objective is to get these men and women back.

I think right now, we are taking a much more liberal approach of talking and trying to wheel and deal. But, it seems that Iran's demands are things we are not willing to meet, like handing over the five members of the Revolutionary Guard we caught in Iraq.

What do I think must happen?

Sadly, I think we have to count these men and women as lost. It breaks my heart. For some reason, it seems like Iran is egging the West to attack it. Brittan is still a force to be reckoned with in the world. It is inside the Great White Navy's area of operation, and there are a lot of pissed and board swabbies on those boats.

This is a time to ask: when did we absolve a people of actions its government takes?

Remember, in the West, we believe our government is enacting the will of the people.

Granted, it is a bit different here, where we are still allowed to protest.
A Moderate Thug

Monday, March 26, 2007

This is news worthy?

I love silly news.

Study finds women with poor childhood role models may often to have more physiological issues.


Study finds the Global Warmer May Cause New Climates (

I really don't want to argue the validity or causes of this current warming trend. I know one side says mankind is going to cause us to roast like sinners in hell and how we deserve to it because of how we live (yet many of these people still drive Hummers, SUVs and other massive CO2 producing vehicles). Then of course the other side wants to stick its collective head n the sand (when they remove it from their ass) and scream over and over again that it is a natural cycle.

Whatever the case, we aren't helping. But honestly the point of this is no wave my finger and say save Mother Earth. I am pretty convinced she can take care of herself after humanity kills itself off. Either by pollution, war, sickness, zombies or some combination of the above.

What this about is pointless studies and who pays for them?

Did my tax dollars seriously pay for someone to figure out that climate shift causes *gasp* a shift in climate?

Seriously, I am pretty sure a two year old could figure out the implications and some the short term effects of global warming.

Couldn't our tax dollars go somewhere else?

Like researching an alternative fuel source?
Or bread and circus Tuesdays? I would be at least entertained part of the time.

Worthless studies like this do not provide answers or solutions. All the day is provide one side with more ammunition to use against the other side.

People may mock President Bush over the whole 'global climate shift' thing, but nobody seems to be offering any good solutions. Very few companies are spending time or money on alternative sources of energy or ways to use the earth in a manner fitting.

Of course my generation has the staying power of a sixteen year- old's first sexual experience, so the next shiny thing that bounces along we'll be off after it.

What is important is to let the government know you are sick of inaction and worthless studies. Short term protesting doesn't really work, because people know you won't really aren't make people take notice. But there are simple things you can do.

Vote (I guess the Democrats differ from Republicans because at least they smile as they are raping us)
Enact social change
Simple things like carpools, mass transit or biking
Decided what companies deserve your money
Raise awareness to the issues
Take five minutes to change your world (even it means picking up someone else's garbage)

Just so y'all know the last Friday of the month, an even called Critical Mass happens (speaking of awarness), which is when a group of bikers get together to clog the roads to show their prencess in the city. Lots of city hold these (on different days), check it out.

I guess the whole point of this is, don't complain if you are not offering solutions. Figure out ways how to positively impact the world we all have to share.

To bring it back to global warming. I don't know what if causing it. I am more then willing to blame mankind for part of it, but regardless it is happening. Now you have to decide what you want to do about it. At the current rate, may I suggest moving inland and buying sun screen?
~A Moderate Thug